Office 365 course

Office 365

Learning and using Office 365 will allow you to collaborate more easily when sharing files and managing projects, and you can easily access your email, Outlook calendar, and work computer from any other computer, the web, or smart device like your phone or tablet device.

Programming with C#

Programming with C#

This Programming with C# course aims to teach the basics of C# all the way through the advanced features of the language.  This course is not a beginner course on C#, although beginners can still learn a lot from the material. It is intended to provide an introduction to the C# language and the world of .NET programming for existing programmers who need or want to learn more about C# and managed code development.

Ruby Programming Fundamentals

Ruby Programming

In Ruby Programming course we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about Ruby, starting at the very beginning with installation. Once installed, you’ll get an introduction to the language and start building your very first Ruby app. We’ll dedicate sections to data types, conditional flow and loops, classes and methods, learning about the intricacies of each with practical projects. Along the way you’ll gain a solid understanding of Ruby’s syntax and functions.

Python Web Programming

Python Programming

The Python Web Programming online course will ease you through the big, vast world of Python coding. You’ll be introduced to all the innovative concepts and foundational principles necessary to master web programming with Python. So whether you’re an upstart programmer, an aspiring web developer, or someone just looking to gain a deeper understanding of python web programming, with this course you’ll acquire the understanding and the confidence to conquer all things Python.